Security services we offer

Crossbow Security LTD offers a comprehensive range of security services designed to meet the diverse needs of residential, commercial, public sector, and high-net-worth clients. Our security personnel services include deployment of highly trained and certified security guards for on-site protection, mobile patrols to monitor larger areas, and alarm response teams ready to respond to security breaches swiftly. Additionally, we provide CCTV monitoring services where our experts utilize state-of-the-art surveillance systems to keep a vigilant eye on your property 24/7. For vacant properties, we offer regular inspections to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the premises remain secure.

Security Personnel

Our highly trained security personnel are deployed as per our customers' specific needs and requirements, providing a visible and reliable presence to deter potential threats and respond swiftly to any security incidents.

Alarm Response

Our dedicated call handling service operates 24/7, providing immediate response and coordination in case of emergencies or security incidents.

CCTV Monitoring

We specialize in installing cutting-edge security systems tailored to your specific security needs, including CCTV surveillance and alarm systems.

Access Control Systems

We offer advanced access control systems, including biometrics and electronic card readers, to regulate entry and monitor access to secure areas.

Mobile Patrols

Our mobile patrol teams conduct regular and random security patrols, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to security across your premises or designated areas.

Vacant Property Inspections

We conduct thorough inspections of vacant properties to deter trespassing, vandalism, and unauthorized access, safeguarding your investment and assets.

Pricing Plan

At Crossbow Security LTD, we offer a flexible and client-centric pricing plan that aligns with our commitment to delivering top-tier security services.

Why Choose Us